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#96 Decarbonizing with DME (Dimethyl Ether)

07.03.23 | Podcast | By:

#96 Decarbonizing with DME (Dimethyl Ether)

Rebecca Boudreaux. President and CEO, Oberon Fuels

Renewable DME (dimethyl ether) is a sustainable fuel that is formed using waste and other feedstocks, creating LPG. In some cases, rDME production is low-carbon and even carbon-negative. Slightly a crash course in chemistry, this episode will dive into the production and benefits behind rDME.

With Special Guest:

Rebecca Boudreaux. President and CEO, Oberon Fuels

“It’s interesting when people think about innovation generally. They think about the new shiny object, something really cool that’s being released. And so naturally when we think about decarbonization, we think about something completely new. What is a completely new thing we’re going to do to help the world decarbonize because we love new things and we love shiny objects. But I think it’s more important that we say, how are we gonna decarbonize really quickly and what do we have that partly exists that we can leverage to help that happen faster?”

Rebecca Boudreaux, Ph. D. is President and Chief Executive Officer of Oberon Fuels. Oberon is the first company in the world to commercialize renewable DME as a straightforward way to both slash the CO2 emissions of the huge propane industry, and transport renewable hydrogen more efficiently and cost effectively.

Episode Transcript